Markus Stockhausen & Norwegian World Orchestra - Long tones for peace

Markus Stockhausen & Norwegian World Orchestra - Long tones for peace
Cosmopolite Scene
Sunday 24. September 2023
The doors open at 19:00
Concert starts at 20:00
Ticket price
250/180,- +avg
Age limit
18 years with valid ID

Markus Stockhausen & Norwegian World Orchestra - Long tones for peace

Norwegian World Orchestra is an orchestra led by Javid Afsari Rad who continually changes its musicians depending on the project. For this concert they have invited the renowned German trumpet player Markus Stockhausen. He has released an album on ECM joined by Norwegian stars Arild Andersen and Terje Rypdal. Markus and Javid got to know each other some years ago when touring together with the ensemble Zarbang, initiated by Behnam Samani. Markus has composed a special piece for this concert and the theme for the concert will be something we all can relate to: Peace. The concert will be a tribute to the force that peace is, and the music will work as a universal language that unites people from different cultures and backgrounds. Norwegian World Orchestra will on the evening of the concert consist of musicians from Iran, Germany, Norway, Senegal and Mali.

Line up:

Marcus Stockhausen - trumpet, electronics
Javid Afsari Rad - santur
Bendik Hofseth - saxophone
Ibou Cissokho - kora
Adrian Myhr - double bass
Behnam Samani - percussion
Sidiki Camara - percussion